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2012 GARR CSD Workshop proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

GARR CSD Workshop 2012 was held in Rome, at Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca, November 29th and 30th 2012

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2011 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

GARR Conference 2011 was held in Bologna, at Centro Congressi CNR, from 8 to 10 November 2011

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2010 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2010 GARR Conference was held in Turin, at Politecnico, from 26 to 28 october 2010

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2009 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2009 GARR Conference "Network Humanitatis - linguaggi, risorse, persone" was held in Naples, at Università degli Studi "Federico II", from 30 September to 2 October 2009

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