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Certification Service

Contatti :  Certification Service

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  +06 4962 2000
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GARR CS (Certification Service)

The GARR Certification Service provides free digital certificates, both personal and server types, to all institutions connected to the GARR network.

These certificates are issued by the Certification Authority Sectigo through the GEANT Trusted Certificate Service

Certification Service
Tipologie di certificati

GARR participates in the Trusted Certificate Service (TCS) promoted by Géant for the benefit of European research networks


GARR participates in the Trusted Certificate Service (TCS)M promoted by Géant for the benefit of European research networks.

Through this service, GARR provides its community with digital x.509 certificates (also available in e-Science version, valid for authentication on GRID resources) issued by one of the major commercial Certification Authorities: Sectigo Limited, automatically recognized by nearly all existing web browsers.

  • SSL certificates: for server authentication and securing sessions with clients;

  • GRID certificates: for server and Grid service authentication (IGTF compliant);
  • Personal certificates and personal GRID certificates: for user authentication and securing email communications;
  • Code signing certificates: for software signing;
  • Document signing certificates: for authenticating documents created with Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice.
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Server TCS certificates



As of May 1, 2020, the service provider for TCS is Certification Authority Sectigo Limited.

Guide for TCS Administrators

For generating certificate requests (CSRs), refer to the instructions provided by GARRCS


For submitting certificate requests, refer to the Registration Authority Officers at your organization.

Organization's Administrators


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Certificati personali

Personal TCS Certificates


Users can request and renew personal and personal grid certificates by accessing the dedicated Sectigo website for GARR. You will need to authenticate using your organization's IDEM credentials.

From the request form, you can select the following types of certificates:

  • GÉANT Personal email signing and encryption
    Personal certificates issued by a public CA for email signing and encryption purposes. Not suitable for document signing and client authentication.
  • GÉANT Personal Authentication
    Personal certificates issued by a private CA for use in grid/IGTF environments and for client authentication. Not suitable for email signing and encryption, or for document signing.
  • GÉANT Personal Automated Authentication Personal robot certificates issued by a private CA for use in software agents authenticating on behalf of the user (grid/IGTF environment). Not suitable for email signing and encryption, or for document signing.

Request a personal certificate

Entities affiliated with the IDEM Federation can activate the service for their users by following the configuration instructions:

SAML Configuration Instructions

Follow the tutorials for requesting personal certificates on Sectigo


Personal TCS certificates can only be issued to members of organizations affiliated with IDEM and enabled for the service

OpensslIt is software available for Linux, macOS, and Windows systems.



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For more information about the services or to request activation