Governing bodies
The General Assembly
The Assembly is composed of all the promoting and ordinary members and the representative of the members belonging to the "other entities" category.
- CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- ENEA - Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
- Fondazione CRUI
- INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
- INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
- INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Rappresentante soci Aderenti categoria "generale")
The Board of Directors
The Consortium is administered by a Board of Directors composed of 7 members appointed by the Assembly as nominated by the members at a rate of 3 (three) for the CRUI Foundation, 1 (one) for the National Research Council, 1 (one) for ENEA, 1 (one) for the INFN and 1 (one) appointed by MUR.
The Board of Directors remains in office for three accounting years and expires on the date of the general Assembly meeting called to approve the balance sheet for the last year of its office
Members of the Board of Directors
Mandate from 27/04/2022 to 30/04/2025
- Maurizio TIRA - Fondazione CRUI - President
- Massimo BERNASCHI - CNR - Vice President
- Sauro LONGHI - Fondazione CRUI
- Alessandra PETRUCCI - Fondazione CRUI
The President
The President is appointed by the Board of Directors among its members and has the legal representation of the Consortium.
The President is in office for three years and can be re-elected only once.For contacts or institutional communications:
The Director
The Director is appointed by the Board of Directors and has operational and managerial responsibility for the Consortium.
For contacts or institutional communications:
The Board of Financial Auditors
The Board of Financial Auditors is composed of three standing Auditors, one of whom acts as President, and two as alternates. The Board of Financial Auditors remain in office for three years and are appointed by the Assembly who also appoint the President thereof.
The Board of Financial Auditors supervise the administration of the Consortium, monitor the observance of the laws and of the Statute and verify the regular keeping of the accounts and the correspondence of the financial statements with the results of the accounting books and records.Members of the Board of Financial Auditors
mandate from 27/04/2021 to 26/04/2024
Standing Auditors
- Adele CALDARELLI - President
Alternate Auditors
- Salvatore DE BELLIS
The Technical and Scientific Committee
The Technical and Scientific Committee consists of no less than nine members; it shall remain in office for three years and is appointed by the Board of Directors, which determines the number of its components and appoint its President.
The Technical and Scientific Committee is an advisory body to the Board of Directors for the technical and scientific areas of the Consortium's activities; it formulates operational proposals regarding the implementation of the association's goals and it contributes to the identification and elaboration of annual programmes of activity.
Members of the Technical and Scientific Committee
mandate from 01/07/2024 to 30/06/2027
- Angelo SCRIBANO - Consortium GARR - Presidente
- Tommaso BOCCALI - INFN - Sezione di Pisa
- Alessandro BRUNENGO - INFN - Sezione di Genova
- Massimo CELINO - ENEA C.R. Casaccia
- Claudio CICCONETTI - CNR - IIT - Pisa
- Rocco DE NICOLA - IMT - Lucca
- Ivan DUCA - CNR - DG - Unità Piattaforme digitali per la PA - Rende (CS)
- Claudio GRANDI - INFN Sezione di Bologna
- Marco LANDONI - INAF - OA Brera - Merate
- Laura LEONE - Università Sapienza di Roma
- Fernando LIELLO - Consortium GARR
- Marcello MAGGIORA - Compagnia di San Paolo Sistema Torino
- Gianluca MAZZINI - Università di Ferrara e Lepida
- Giovanni PONTI - ENEA S.C. - Roma
- Ermann RIPEPI - CNR - IMAA - Tito Scalo (PZ)
- Giulio SELVAGGI - INGV A.C. - Roma
- Enzo VALENTE - Consortium GARR
- Enrico VENUTO - Politecnico di Torino/li>
- Stefano ZANI - INFN - CNAF - Bologna
- Consortium GARR Organization Chart