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Network Information Center

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GARR NIC (Network Information Center)

This service handles the free registration of .it and .eu domain names for all institutions connected to the GARR network.


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Network Information Center

Assignment of new domain names under the 'IT' ccTLD

Domain Name Registration for .IT

Any organization authorized to access the GARR network can request domain names from the GARR NIC

From 08/02/2011, the GARR-NIC has become a Registrar. Now, it's possible to manage the registration and maintenance procedures of ".it" domains synchronously on behalf of all entities belonging to the GARR Community.
The synchronous registration of a ".it" domain allows the GARR-NIC to complete, in real-time, both the procedures for updating already registered domains and for registering new domain names, without requiring the registering entity to send any paper documentation to the Registry


To register a new ".it" domain name, you need to::

  • To download the registration form for the request and maintenance of a domain
  • Submit the registration request signed by the Legal Representative (APA) of the requesting Entity .
  • The registration requests for a new '.it' domain name should be sent via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc'd to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Fill in by indicating:
    • In the request, you need to provide the details of the entity requesting the domain (registrant), the administrative contact for the domain (admin), and the technical contact (APM) for the domain, such as the DNS manager.
    • Within the form, there is a section dedicated to the authoritative nameservers for the domain name zone you intend to register. You must specify the primary nameserver and at least one secondary nameserver. If you do not have a secondary nameserver, you can request to use GARR's secondary DNS service.
    • The DNS must be configured in accordance with the specifications outlined in rfc1912
    • Before initiating a request for a new .it domain, it is recommended to read the service description and, in case of any doubts, contact the GARR NIC


Starting from July 11, 2012, it will be possible to register domain names in the .it level even using words with accents. For example, we could use web addresses that contain words like university, health, or city. Those that are technically referred to as Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) will be accepted, meaning accented words and non-Latin names, including characters commonly used in French such as ç or in German such as ß.

We would like to inform you that there is no initial period allowing owners of names, trademarks, and logos to benefit from any sort of pre-emption right. Therefore, the assignment will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

For users who are part of the GARR network, the rules for requesting domain name assignments remain unchanged. The request, signed by the Legal Representative of their organization (APA), must be sent as usual to the GARR NIC service.

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Assignment of new domain names under the 'EU' ccTLD


Domain Name Registration for .EU

Any organization authorized to access the GARR network can request domain names from the GARR NIC

Before initiating a request for a new .eu domain, it is necessary to read the service description, and, in case of doubts, contact the GARR NIC


To register a new ".eu" domain name, you need to:

  • Read the documentation available in the Forms Section
  • To download the registration form for the Request and Maintenance of a domain.
  • The completed form with the registration request must be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and copied to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Fill in by indicating:
    • Organization
    • Contact Person: First Name, Last Name
    • Phone
    • address
    • Valid Email Address. A valid email address is important, being the only means through which to contact you: it will be used as a communication tool. EURid reserves the right to revoke a domain name if not accompanied by a valid email address.
  • Registrations are made on a "first come, first served" basis, meaning that the Registry processes the registration of a domain name based on the first request received. The registration of a .eu domain name lasts for one year. Unless otherwise notified in advance by EURid through GARR-NIC, the domain name will be renewed upon its expiry.
  • A domain name must be unique. To check the availability of a name, use the WHOIS search tool .
  • Domain names must meet certain technical requirements:
    • at least 2 characters between 'a' and 'z'
    • numbers from '0' to '9' and the hyphen '-'
    • a maximum of 63 characters
    • must not begin or end with a hyphen
    • cannot contain a hyphen '-' in the third and fourth position.

In accordance with EU Regulation 733/2002 and CE Regulation 874/2004, certain names cannot be registered, and others are reserved for use by EU institutions or the governments of member states, EEA countries, and candidate countries.

The ability to use special Latin characters, as well as characters from the Greek and Cyrillic alphabets (without mixing different alphabets) for registering domain names under the .eu extension in Latin was introduced in December 2009. In 2016, EURid introduced the .eu extension in Cyrillic (.ею), and in 2019, the .eu extension in Greek (.ευ). With the introduction of these two new extensions, a rule was implemented stating that the alphabet used for the .eu extension must match the alphabet used for the domain name (latin.latin, cyrillic.cyrillic, and greek.greek).

For more information about .eu IDN domains, please visit these links:

EURid's Timeline

Domain names (IDNs)


At the time of registering a domain name, it is necessary to consent to the terms and conditions for end-users. This includes being bound to an extrajudicial resolution of disputes if a third-party claimant with recognized rights to the domain name alleges that your registration was made for speculative or abusive purposes. GARR-NIC will submit these conditions to you at the time of registration for formal signature. Non-compliance with these conditions may result in the loss of the domain name.


our domain name will be active only after the EURid name server is updated. The update is performed five times a day. Of course, this will be possible only if GARR-NIC has also made the necessary changes.


Once registered, your domain name will be immediately stored in the WHOIS database. Some of your data will be publicly available through the WHOIS lookup function, which allows interested parties to find out who owns a specific domain name or associated website. Of course, the WHOIS database will be subject to restrictions to prevent misuse and comply with data protection requirements. Anyone accessing information through WHOIS will be subject to a disclaimer, which essentially states that the information cannot be used for commercial purposes.

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Filtri AAMS

Inhibition in the DNS of unauthorized sites offering gambling and tobacco


GARR, for its institutional purposes, is the holder of the authorization granted by the Ministry of Economic Development to operate as the manager of the public network dedicated to the Italian academic and research community.

For this reason, it is subject to the provisions of the State Customs and Monopoly Agency, which require the inhibition of domain names related to unauthorized websites offering online gambling or tobacco and inhalation liquid products
The inhibition provisions are indeed an obligation for the entities holding the authorization granted by the Ministry of Economic Development to operate as managers of a public network.

The national list of companies authorized to provide electronic communication services to the public is available on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.


The list of websites subject to inhibition is available on the website of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, in the Monopolies section.

Customs and Monopolies Agency website


  • Web Link IANA
    The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources
  • Web Link ICANN
    To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet.
  • Web Link CENTR
    CENTR is an association of Internet Country Code Top Level Domain Registries such as .uk in the United Kingdom and .es in Spain. Full Membership is open to organisations, corporate bodies or individuals that operate a country code top level domain registry.
  • Web Link
    The Registry is the registry of .it Internet domains, the Internet plate of Italy. In December 1987, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) assigned the management of .it to the National Research Council (Cnr) arrow in virtue of the technical and scientific expertise gained by its researchers, among the first in Europe to adopt the IP protocol. Thus, the .it Registry was born, which today is based at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Cnr in Pisa.
  • Web Link Archivio RFC
    Funded by the Internet Society to edit and publish RFCs online. The RFC Editor maintains the master repository of RFCs as well as RFC meta-data, which can be searched online. The search results include the meta-data, links to the RFC text itself, and links to any errata.
  • Web Link GARR LIR
    The GARR-LIR (Local Internet Registry) is the service responsible for managing the allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for entities within the GARR community.
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