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Research Infrastructure Biomedical Italian Group

| Consortium GARR | Biomedical Research

On January 10, 2012, with the birth of the Joint Research Unit, called Research Infrastructure - Biomedical Italian Group (RI - BIG), a national collaboration group was formed. RI - BIG includes research institutions and other institutions that have experience of participation in national and international biomedical projects.

e-Infrastructures for medical research and clinical praxis

| Consortium GARR | Biomedical Research

Materiale audiovideo e presentazioni:

Roma 22 Febbraio 2013


Autore Titolo Slide Video
Claudia Battista Welcome and introduction    
Gaetano Guglielmi Welcome and introduction   logo
Stefano Cappa CT in aging and dementia research: a European perspective pdf   (1.13 MB) logo
Roberto Barbera Making e-Infrastructures easy: the Science Gateway approach pdf   (5.56 MB) logo
Giovanni Frisoni e-Infrastructures from research to clinical praxis: the DECIDE success story pdf   (2.74 MB) logo
Marco Pappalardo
Simona Arriva
The VESPA project pdf   (1.49 MB) logo
Claudio Babiloni Networks of Cognition, People and Computers against Alzheimer’s disease: an Italian idea from European to Regional scale (DECIDE) pdf   (999 KB)  

Third National Conference on Health Research

| Consortium GARR | Biomedical Research

Audiovideo contributions and presentations on the collaboration between the Ministry of Health and GARR on the occasion of the 3rd National Conference on Health Research

Author Title Slide Video
Massimo Casciello Introduction to the workshop   logo
Claudia Battista La rete GARR: un punto di accesso alle risorse ICT per la Ricerca Sanitaria pdf   (9.83 MB) logo
Giuseppe Battistoni L’INFN come partner scientifico nella ricerca sanitaria: l’esempio della JRU RI-BIG pdf   (2.93 MB) logo
Claudio Babiloni Networks of Cognition, People and Computers against Alzheimer’s disease: an Italian idea from European to Regional scale (DECIDE) pdf   (5.31 MB) logo
Sabrina Tomassini Progetto per infrastruttura banda larga GARR per enti di ricerca Ministero della Salute pdf   (1.76 MB) logo
Maria Laura Mantovani L'adesione degli istituti alla Federazione IDEM pdf   (1010 KB)  
Fulvio Galeazzi Esempi di servizi accessibili via IDEM pdf   (1.60 MB) logo
Marco Pagani Comunicare nella rete IRCCS: Il nuovo progetto workflow 2.0   logo
Tipe Descrption Video
Report Overview on the conference logo
Interview Massimo Casciello, Direttore Generale della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica - Ministero della Salute logo
Interview Angelo Paradiso Dir. Scientifico IRCCS Oncologico di Bari logo
Interview Ministro della Salute Renato Balduzzi logo

Network Access Infrastructure

| Consortium GARR | Biomedical Research
The project comes from specific requests of the institutes to be linked according to the characteristics and specific scientific needs of each. This infrastructure also facilitates scientific collaboration at European and international level through a capillary interconnection system with the other national research networks and the European GÉANT network.

Design Criteria

The criteria adopted for the design of the proposed solution are summarized below:

  • Supply of high capacity circuits for national and international network connectivity;
  • Provision of advanced network and application services;
  • Specialized support to guarantee the operation of the access and backbone infrastructure;
  • Design of ad hoc services for specific needs (such as dedicated circuits or temporary bandwidth allocations);
  • Activation, on request, of a backup line;
  • Training on network technologies adopted.

Access model proposed

The proposed infrastructure provides each institution with a primary link to access the high capacity GARR network and, for organizations that request it, a secondary connection of equal or lower capacity to be used as backup of the primary link.

GARR also provides a preconfigured termination device for the primary connection, plus a secondary connection device, if required. Where possible, the primary and secondary connections will be attested on two different Pop (points of presence), so as to guarantee reliability of the connectivity service.

Connected Sites

| Consortium GARR | Biomedical Research

Project locations with the Ministry of Health

Full list of Connected site

The GARR Network and its services are dedicated to the Italian Research and Academic Community.
Currently there are more than 50 Medical, Health and Hospital Research Institutes connected to the GARR Network.
It is thanks to the APM (Access Port Manager) of all the connected sites that it is possible to make available to users the services provided by the GARR to the various institutions to which they belong.

This vast community is destined to widen again, thanks to the interconnection of new structures belonging to the world of Research, Education and Culture, Schools, Academies of Art and Museums.

Below is a list of medical, health and hospital research facilities connected to the GARR Network.

To view the locations of a single region or province select the desired area

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Select a province:

Number of locations connected in the selected area:

Click on the headings to change the ordering of the table

IZS della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna - BresciaBresciaBSLOMBARDIA
IOV Istituto Oncologico Veneto - PadovaPadovaPDVENETO
IZS della Sardegna - SassariSassariSSSARDEGNA
Centro S.Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli - BresciaBresciaBSLOMBARDIA
IZS del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta - TorinoTorinoTOPIEMONTE
Istituto Tumori "Giovanni Paolo II" - BariBariBAPUGLIA
IRCCS Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori - Meldola (FC)MeldolaFCEMILIA ROMAGNA
IRCCS Centro Neurolesi "Bonino Pulejo" - MessinaMessinaMESICILIA
Fondazione Santa Lucia - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
IZS dell'Abruzzo e del Molise - TeramoTeramoTEABRUZZO
IEO Istituto Europeo di Oncologia - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche - BolognaBolognaBOEMILIA ROMAGNA
INRCA Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura per Anziani - AnconaAnconaANMARCHE
Istituto Clinico Humanitas - Rozzano (MI)RozzanoMILOMBARDIA
ICS Maugeri - PaviaPaviaPVLOMBARDIA
IDI Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
San Raffaele Pisana - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Fondazione G.B. Bietti - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo - Venezia-LidoVenezia-LidoVEVENETO
Istituto Auxologico Italiano San Luca - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - San Giovanni Rotondo (FG)San Giovanni RotondoFGPUGLIA
Fondazione Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino - GenovaGenovaGELIGURIA
Fondazione CNAO - Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia OncologicaPaviaPVLOMBARDIA
Istituto Neurologico C. Besta - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Policlinico San Matteo - PaviaPaviaPVLOMBARDIA
IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
NEUROMED Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo - Pozzilli (IS)PozzilliISMOLISE
IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Policlinico San Donato - MilanoSan Donato MilaneseMILOMBARDIA
SDN Istituto di Ricerca Diagnostica e Nucleare - NapoliNapoliNACAMPANIA
CROB Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Basilicata - Rionero in Vulture (PZ)Rionero in VulturePZBASILICATA
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
CRO Centro di Riferimento Oncologico - Aviano (PN)AvianoPNFRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
IFO Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
Fondazione Stella Maris - Calambrone (PI)CalambronePITOSCANA
Ospedale San Raffaele - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
IRCCS OSG "Saverio de Bellis" - Castellana Grotte (BA)Castellana GrotteBAPUGLIA
IRCCS Associazione Oasi Maria SS. - Troina (EN)TroinaENSICILIA
Istituto Nazionale Tumori Fondazione G.Pascale - NapoliNapoliNACAMPANIA
Istituto Pediatrico G. Gaslini - GenovaGenovaGELIGURIA
IZS del Mezzogiorno - Portici (NA)PorticiNACAMPANIA
IZS della Puglia e della Basilicata - FoggiaFoggiaFGPUGLIA
IRCCS materno infantile Burlo Garofolo - TriesteTriesteTSFRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA
IZS dell'Umbria e delle Marche - PerugiaPerugiaPGUMBRIA
IZS delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
Centro Cardiologico Monzino - MilanoMilanoMILOMBARDIA
Ministero della Salute - Sede Ripa - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
IZS della Sicilia - PalermoPalermoPASICILIA
Ministero della Salute - Sede Ribotta - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - BolognaBolognaBOEMILIA ROMAGNA
IZS delle Venezie - Legnaro (PD)LegnaroPDVENETO
Istituto Neurologico Nazionale C. Mondino - PaviaPaviaPVLOMBARDIA
CCS FPO - Candiolo (TO)CandioloTOPIEMONTE
IRCCS Eugenio Medea - Bosisio Parini (LC)Bosisio PariniLCLOMBARDIA
INMI Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive L. Spallanzani - RomaRomaRMLAZIO
IRCCS Policlinico di Sant'Orsola - BolognaBolognaBOEMILIA ROMAGNA
Istituto MultiMedica - Sesto San Giovanni (MI)Sesto S.GiovanniMILOMBARDIA