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| Consortium GARR | Publications


Conference proceedings


GARR NEWS is the biannual magazine dedicated to the GARR user community, a space to tell stories of innovation coming from the Italian education, research and culture community.

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GARR Conference Proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Publications

Starting from the GARR 2009 Conference, the GARR Consortium has started publishing the conference proceedings by selecting some of the most interesting contributions presented during the conference.

2023 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2022 GARR Conference was held in Florence from 14 to 16 June 2023

2022 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2022 GARR Conference was held in Palermo from 18 to 20 may 2022

2021 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2021 GARR Conference was held online from 7 to 16 june 2021

2019 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

The GARR 2019 Conference was held at the Politecnico di Torino from 4 to 6 June 2019

2018 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2018 GARR Conference was held in Cagliari, at Università degli Studi di Cagliari, from 3 to 5 october 2018

Visit Conference web site

2017 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

2017 GARR Conference was held in Venice, at Università Ca' Foscari, from 15 to 17 november 2017

Visit Conference web site

2016 GARR Conference proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

The 2016 GARR Conference was held in Florence, at the university center of Novoli, from 30 November to 2 December 2016

Visit Conference web site

2014 GARR Workshop proceedings

| Consortium GARR | Selected Papers

GARR Workshop 2014 was held in Rome, at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, from 2 to 4 December 2014

Visit Workshop web site