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eduroam (Education Roaming)

Eduroam is a service that enables users traveling to different institutions to connect to the wireless network easily and securely, using the same login credentials from their home organization. News


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eduroam (education roaming) is a wireless access service developed for the international research and education community.

Italian eduroam federation

The purpose of the Italian eduroam Federation is to facilitate access to theGARR network and other connected networks for mobile users (roaming users) from participating organizations (eduroam service).

The Federation is coordinated by Consortium GARR, which represents it to other federations and confederations. eduroam is a registered trademark of the GEANT Association - formerly TERENA,and stands for Educational Roaming. More information can be found at

The core principles of the Italian eduroam Federation are as follows:

  • Allow users from member institutions to access the GARR network (and connected networks) when visiting another participating organization. Access is provided through the host organization’s network infrastructure using their home institution’s login credentials, thanks to the eduroam service.
  • Ensure the security of login credentials and the data exchanged by roaming users.

La Italian eduroam federation is a member of the European eduroam Confederation, whose rules have been signed by the GARR Consortium on behalf of the Federation.

The goal of the European eduroam Confederation is to extend internationally the services provided by national eduroam federations to their members, ensuring as much consistency as possible in usage rules while accommodating differences imposed by national regulations.

Peering with Non-Eduroam Federations

The Italian eduroam Federation can also establish peering agreements with other federations that are not part of the European eduroam Confederation but provide equivalent mobility services. In such cases, the Federation must define the peering policies to be adopted. These peering agreements do not extend to federations within the European eduroam Confederation and their related services.

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Who can access eduroam?

chi può utilizzare eduroam?


Eduroam is available to all users from organizations that are part of the federation. It allows seamless wireless network access both within one’s home institution and at other participating organizations in Italy and around the world. Check if your institution is already a member and explore participating organizations worldwide by clicking the dropdown below.

The service that allows users on the move to easily and securely access the wireless network


eduroam (Education Roaming) is the service that allows users on the move to easily and securely access the wireless network at other organizations, using the same credentials provided by their home institution.

Students, professors, and researchers visiting an institution or organization that participates in eduroam can access the network from any mobile device and authenticate using the credentials they regularly use within their home organization.

How it works

Eduroam technology is based on the IEEE 802.1X standard and a hierarchy of RADIUS proxy servers, allowing any user from a participating institution to gain network access at any connected institution. Depending on the local policies of the visited institutions, eduroam participants may also have access to additional resources.

A Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) has been developed to help organizations provide their users with access to eduroam. This tool, available for the most common platforms, allows you to configure your device quickly and easily.

Here you can find the configuration tool for institutions that have customized their eduroam profile. If it’s not available for your university or organization, you can consult the informational pages provided by your institution. Alternatively, you can contact your institution's Access Port Manager.


Is it secure?

eduroam is based on some of the most secure encryption and authentication standards currently available. Its security far exceeds that of typical commercial hotspots.

eduroam requires the use of the IEEE 802.1x standard, which provides end-to-end encryption to ensure that user credentials are only accessible by their home institution.
Moreover, user credentials are protected because eduroam does not share them with the site you are visiting; instead, they are forwarded to the user's home institution, where they can be verified and validated.

Unlike eduroam, authentication methods based on Web Portal, Captive Portal, and Splash Screens require you to trust their infrastructure when they receive your password in plain text, which would compromise the end-to-end encryption principles and security that eduroam offers.
eduroam will never display a web page asking for a username and/or password.

What are the benefits of eduroam for users?

The Wi-Fi roaming service eduroam is free for users, and once installed on your laptop, mobile phone, or other device, there’s no need to request temporary accounts or borrow someone else's credentials: simply turn on your device, and you should be online.

Where can I use eduroam?

Whether you are moving to campus or spending time studying or working at another research and educational institution, eduroam offers you seamless internet connectivity.
Over 10,000 hotspots are available at universities, research centers, academies, schools, and other research and educational institutions in more than 100 countries worldwide.

What about in Italy?

In Italy, eduroam is managed by the Italian eduroam Federation, coordinated by the GARR Consortium, which defines its usage rules and represents it in other federations and confederations.

What are the benefits of eduroam for institutions?

eduroam provides a single solution that meets all the mobility connectivity requirements of an institution, supporting both local users and visitors connecting to the local network, as well as users connecting to other participating networks.

Additionally, eduroam eliminates the need to provide temporary accounts, thus reducing administrative burdens, as students, staff, and researchers visiting another institution or country use the credentials provided by their home institution to access Wi-Fi services.


Identity e Resource Provider [IDP e RP]

  • Identity Provider: Organizations that participate in the service by providing their users with the necessary credentials to access the network;
  • Resource Provider: Organizations that participate in the service by providing the devices and network infrastructure that allow users to access the network.


Who and How

  • Only institutions connected to the GARR network can join the Italian eduroam Federation as an Identity Provider (IDP) or as both Identity Provider (IDP) and Resource Provider (RP).
  • Institutions, institutes, or organizations that ARE NOT connected to the GARR network can join the Italian eduroam Federation exclusively as a Resource Provider (RP).


Where and When

  • If my institution is only an Identity Provider (IDP) of the eduroam federation, I will be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network of all national or international organizations that are Resource Providers (RP) of the eduroam Federation, but WILL NOT be able to do so within my own institution.
  • If my institution is only a Resource Provider (RP) of the eduroam federation, all users from national and international organizations that are Identity Providers (IDP) of the eduroam federation, will be able to access the institution's Wi-Fi network.
  • If my institution is both an Identity Provider (IDP) and a Resource Provider (RP) of the eduroam federation, I will be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network of my institution and all national or international organizations that are Resource Providers (RP) of the eduroam federation, and my institution will be able to grant access to all users from national and international organizations that are Identity Providers (IDP) of the eduroam federation.


Also check

  • Check the map of Resource Providers (RP) and the locations where you can connect if your institution is an Identity Provider (IDP) of the eduroam federation.
  • Check if your institution has joined eduroam and whether it is an IDP or RP (RP is also referred to as SP - Service Provider).


Administrative Procedures

  • To join the Italian eduroam Federation as an Identity Provider (IDP) or Resource Provider (RP), or both, the same procedure outlined under "Joining Procedure" must be followed.
  • Institutions, institutes, or organizations that ARE NOT connected to the GARR network can request to join only as a Resource Provider (RP).

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All organizations connected to GARR can request to join the eduroam federation for free


Universities, research organizations, and all other scientific and academic institutions that wish to join eduroam and offer access to their staff, students, and researchers can apply for eduroam service membership by following the procedure outlined below.

How to Join

  • Complete the Application Form attached to the Regulation of the Italian eduroam Federation following the instructions for completion;
  • Appoint two Technical Contacts for the eduroam service, responsible for necessary interaction with GARR for the proper functioning of the service, and provide their names, contact information (phone, mobile, email) in the Application Form;
  • Digitally sign the Application Form and send it via certified mail (PEC) to GARR at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The form must be signed by the Legal Representative of the applying institution or by one of their delegates with the necessary authority (e.g., the Director of a Section/Institute in the case of an application from institutions with multiple locations such as CNR/ENEA/INFN, INAF, INGV, etc.).

Once approved, the application, countersigned by the Consortium GARR, will be sent back to the applying institution via PEC.

The data of the Technical Contact(s) provided by the institution through the application form will be processed by GARR for the purpose of providing the eduroam service.

What to do in case of a change in the eduroam Technical Contact

The Technical Contact is an important point of reference for interaction between GARR and the institution participating in the eduroam Service.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the participating institution to promptly notify GARR of any change in the Technical Contact or update of their contact details.

The institution wishing to change its Technical Contact for the eduroam service must:

  • Complete the Technical Contact Update Form in full;
  • Digitally sign the Technical Contact Update Form and send it via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The form must be signed by the Legal Representative of the requesting institution or by one of their delegates with the necessary authority (e.g., the Director of a Section/Institute in the case of an application from institutions with multiple locations such as CNR/ENEA/INFN/INAF/INGV, etc.).

Upon receiving the request, GARR will update the Technical Contact information for the eduroam Service. The institution will be notified by email once the update has been made.

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and obligations of the participants


The roaming network access service provided by the Federation is available to all end-users of member organizations, users from other federations that are part of the European eduroam Confederation, and other federations with which there is a peering agreement.

Federation members can restrict access to services provided to other federations if the policies practiced by those federations or some of their members cannot guarantee certain requirements set by Italian law or fail to meet the minimum security standards required by the Federation.

Participants in the Federation MUST inform the GARR Consortium of any access limitations they establish, as well as any changes to these limitations.

Federation members must make their Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) available to hosted users, who are required to comply with them and refrain from behaviors that violate them, even if allowed elsewhere.

Obligations of Participants

  • Educate their users on respecting the AUPs of visited institutions and commit to resolving any issues caused by their users;
  • Provide a secure authentication server;
  • Inform guests about the methods and level of security offered;
  • Guide users on how to use the service and avoid transferring technical support issues to other institutions;
  • Keep logs of authentication sessions and network access;
  • Report any security issues to their NREN and contribute to their resolution.

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    For more information about the services or to request activation