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Annual Report - GARR Cloud

| Consortium GARR | GARR

List of graphs for Cloud GARR

Users of GARR federated Cloud

The graph shows the trend in the number of users who used GARR cloud resources.

GARR cloud: users by community

The graph shows the distribution of entities using the GARR cloud.

GARR cloud: resource usage by community (vCPU)

The graph shows who are the main users of the GARR cloud resources (vCPUs) within the community.

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 GARR Network  Network and access services

The information contained in this document is taken from the "2021 Final Budget" and from the Report on the activity carried out and results achieved 2021 approved by the GARR Shareholders' Meeting in May 2022.

pdf Download the 2021 annual report (22.72 MB)

All annual reports

Annual Report - GARR Network

| Consortium GARR | GARR

The information contained in this document is taken from the "2021 Final Budget" and from the Report on the activity carried out and results achieved 2021 approved by the GARR Shareholders' Meeting in May 2022.

pdf Download the 2021 annual report (22.72 MB)

All annual reports

List of graphs for GARR Network

Backbone links aggregated capacity

The graph shows the trend of the aggregated IP capacity of the GARR backbone.

Access links aggregated capacity

The graph shows the trend of aggregate access link capacity of the sites connected to GARR.

Backbone links capacity

The graph shows the composition of the network backbone links with a breakdown according to their capacity.

Backbone access links

The graph shows the composition of the access links of the sites connected to GARR with a breakdown based on their capacity.

Total traffic volume on the GARR network

The graph shows the trend of total traffic on the GARR network.

Traffic volume of the GARR network peering

The graph shows the trend on a monthly basis of the traffic volume generated by the peering of the GARR network. The items considered are upstream and direct peering traffic, traffic to and from Internet Exchanges and research peering traffic.

Traffic volume of the accesses and peerings

The graph compares, on a monthly basis, the total user access traffic with the traffic of research peering.

Peering traffic type

The graph shows the composition of the peering traffic on the GARR network.

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Cloud news

| Consortium GARR | GARR

Informativa ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 GDPR per il trattamento di dati personali consistenti in registrazioni audio, video e fotografiche

| Consortium GARR | GARR

Con il presente documento il GARR desidera informarla che il "Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al Trattamento dei Dati Personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati" (da ora in poi "GDPR"), prevede la tutela delle persone rispetto al trattamento dei loro dati personali.

Luogo di trattamento dei dati

Consortium GARR con sede in via dei Tizii, 6 - 00185 - Roma - Italia

Tipologia dati oggetto di trattamento

il Consortium GARR tratterà i suoi dati personali consistenti in registrazioni audio, foto e video recanti la sua immagine e/o la sua voce, così come altri dati da cui si possa desumere la sua identità. I predetti dati possono essere acquisiti e trattati sia in formato cartaceo che digitale.

Titolare del trattamento e contatti

Il Consortium GARR, associazione riconosciuta senza scopo di lucro con sede in via dei Tizii, 6 - 00185 – Roma - Italia, in qualità di "Titolare del trattamento” dei suoi dati personali, ai sensi dell'articolo 13 del GDPR, Le fornisce i seguenti dati di contatto:

Dati di contatto

Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali:

Il Consortium GARR
tel: +39 4962 2000
contatto mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Responsabile protezione dei dati personali:

Dott. Davide Vaghetti
tel: +39 050 2213158
contatto mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ai sensi dell’art. 79 GDPR l'interessato che ritenga che i diritti di cui gode siano stati violati a seguito del presente trattamento ha diritto a rivolgersi all'Autorita' competente per la protezione dei dati. Ente preposto: Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali italiano.

Finalità del trattamento

I dati personali oggetto della presente informativa saranno oggetto di pubblicazione o diffusione a scopo divulgativo, informativo, di ricerca o scientifico, anche previo montaggio di spezzoni o singoli fotogrammi, per le finalità istituzionali proprie del Consortium GARR e segnatamente per la pubblicazione sul sito internet del GARR e dei suoi associati, nonché per le pubblicazioni, senza finalità commerciali, sui canali social del Consortium GARR (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) su carta stampata e/o su qualsiasi altro mezzo di diffusione.

Modalità di trattamento dei dati

I dati personali da Voi forniti, ivi incluso il ritratto contenuto nelle fotografie/video, formeranno oggetto di operazioni di trattamento nel rispetto della vigente normativa e dei principi di correttezza, liceità, trasparenza e riservatezza cui è ispirata l'attività del Consortium GARR. Tali dati verranno trattati sia con strumenti informatici sia su supporti cartacei sia su ogni altro tipo di supporto idoneo, nel rispetto delle misure di sicurezza previste dal GDPR.

Obbligatorietà o meno del consenso

Il conferimento dei Suoi dati è facoltativo se non strettamente correlato al funzionamento dell'attività o al servizio proposto. Il mancato consenso non permetterà l'utilizzo delle immagini e/o delle riprese audiovisive del soggetto interessato per le finalità sopra indicate.

Comunicazione a terzi e pubblicazione-diffusione dei dati

Nei limiti pertinenti alle finalità di trattamento indicate, i dati personali (immagini e riprese audiovisive) potranno essere oggetto di comunicazione, pubblicazione e/o diffusione in qualsiasi forma sui siti internet del Consortium GARR, sui canali social del Consortium GARR (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) su carta stampata e/o su qualsiasi altro mezzo di diffusione.

Dichiarazione di consenso

Io sottoscritto, dichiaro di avere preso visione dell’informativa in materia di Privacy soprariportata e acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali di cui autorizzo la diffusione e pubblicazione nei limiti di quanto sopra descritto in conformità al GDPR. Acconsento alla conservazione dei predetti dati per la durata statutariamente prevista dell’Associazione Consortium GARR.

Diritti degli Interessati

In relazione ai predetti trattamenti potranno essere da Lei esercitati i diritti di cui agli artt. da 15 a 22 GDPR, quali:

  • ottenere la conferma circa l'esistenza o meno di dati che La riguardano;
  • conoscere l'origine dei dati, la logica e la finalità su cui si basa il trattamento;
  • ottenere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco di dati eventualmente trattati in violazione di Legge, l'aggiornamento, la rettifica e l'integrazione dei dati stessi;
  • opporsi, per motivi legittimi, al trattamento dei dati stessi nei limiti ed alle condizioni previste.

Per l’esercizio dei propri diritti l’interessato può rivolgere la propria istanza al Consortium GARR, Via dei Tizii, 6, 00185 – Roma: telefonando al numero +39 0649622000, mandando un fax al numero +39 0649622044 o inviando una mail all'indirizzo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Ulteriori informazioni in ordine al trattamento ed alla comunicazione di dati previsti direttamente o altrimenti acquisiti potranno essere richieste al Responsabile per la Protezione dei dati personali presso la sede del Consortium GARR all’indirizzo e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
La sottoscrizione della presente comunicazione deve intendersi quale consenso espresso al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali.
Ulteriori informazioni circa il trattamento dei dati potranno essere comunicate anche verbalmente.

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Liberatoria e consenso alla pubblicazione e trasmissione di immagini

| Consortium GARR | GARR


A titolo gratuito e senza limiti di tempo, anche ai sensi degli artt. 10 e 320 cod.civ. e degli artt. 96 e 97 legge 22.4.1941, n. 633 - Legge sul diritto d'autore:

  • la trasmissione e la pubblicazione e/o diffusione in qualsiasi forma di materiale audio, video o fotografico in cui il sottoscritto appaia rappresentato o sia comunque riconoscibile

Il materiale audio-video-fotografico che pregiudichi la dignità o il decoro delle persone interessate non sarà oggetto di trattamento e sarà immediatamente cancellato dagli Archivi del Consortium GARR.

La pubblicazione/diffusione potrà avvenire:

  • sui siti internet del Consortium GARR, Associazione riconosciuta senza scopo di lucro, con sede in via dei Tizii, 6 - 00185 - Roma - Italia;
  • sui canali social del Consortium GARR (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter);
  • su carta stampata e/o su qualsiasi altro mezzo di diffusione/pubblicazione anche atipico;

Autorizzo altresì la conservazione del predetto materiale negli archivi informatici dell'associazione e prendo atto che la finalità di tali pubblicazioni sono di carattere informativo e divulgativo. Il materiale video-fotografico non sarà utilizzato per finalità commerciali.

Tale autorizzazione esclude qualsiasi uso a fini di lucro e la cessione a terzi.

In considerazione della circostanza che il predetto materiale, una volta reso pubblico, può essere oggetto di acquisizione e di ripubblicazione da parte di terzi, anche senza il consenso del Consortium GARR o dell’interessato,
Sollevo il Consortium GARR da ogni effetto pregiudizievole che possa derivare da un uso abusivo o scorretto da parte di terzi del predetto materiale audio-foto-video.


di non aver nulla a pretendere in ragione di quanto sopra indicato e di rinunciare irrevocabilmente ad ogni diritto, azione o pretesa derivante da quanto sopra autorizzato.

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| Consortium GARR | GARR

GARR NEWS is the bi-annual magazine dedicated to the GARR community and was created with the aim of creating a direct channel between GARR and its users.

Besides being a great opportunity to talk about new services offered and to take stock of situation of the network and its use, GARR NEWS has in fact the purpose of giving voice to those who daily use the network. Users themselves will have the opportunity to talk about innovative experiences and to play therefore an increasingly active role in the dissemination of applications in the GARR community, proposing those experiences as examples of excellence to be followed.

Do you have an interesting project? Tell us your story!

GN Archive

GARR News content, except where otherwise indicated, is released under the terms of the Creative Commons license, Attribution - Non Commercial

Number Web Pdf
Numer Web Pdf
Number 26 - summer 2022 pdf
Number 25 - winter 2021 pdf
Number 24 - summer 2021 pdf
Number 23 - winter 2020 pdf
Number 22 - summer 2020 pdf
Number 21 - winter 2019 pdf
Number 20 - summer 2019 pdf
Number 19 - December 2018 pdf
Number 18 - July 2018 pdf
Number 17 - December 2017 pdf
Number 16 - July 2017 pdf
Number 15 - December 2016 pdf
Number 14 - July 2016 pdf
Number 13 - December 2015 pdf
Number 12 - June 2015 pdf
Number 11 - December 2014 pdf
Number 10 - June 2014 pdf
Number 9 - December 2013 pdf
Number 8 - May 2013 pdf
Number 7 - November 2012 pdf
Number 6 - May 2012 pdf
Number 5 - December 2011 pdf
Number 4 - June 2011 pdf
Number 3 - December 2010 pdf
Number 2 - July 2010 pdf
Number 1 - December 2009 pdf
Number 0 - June 2009 pdf


Collections of articles, previously published, on specific topics.

Tribunale di Roma n. 243/2009 del 21 July 2009
Direttore editoriale
Federico Ruggieri
Direttore responsabile
Gabriella PAOLINI
Maddalena VARIO
Consulenti redazione
Progetto grafico (Cartaceo)

Federica TANLONGO, Carlo VOLPE
Progettazione WEB
Consortium GARR
Via dei Tizii 6 - 00185 Roma
Tel. 06 49622000
fax. 06 49622044
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IaaS and PaaS services

| Consortium GARR | GARR

The GARR Cloud Platform offers IaaS and PaaS services.

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service

With IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services, users can autonomously obtain, configure and manage virtual machines running on the GARR federated cloud and accessible via the high-capacity links of the national research and education network.

Within the scope of their allocated resource quota, users can create, remove, and link their VMs and customise them with resources including virtual cores, RAM, local disk space in line with their requirements.

Find the most suitable cloud computing solution for your research

PaaS: Platform as a Service

PaaS services are applications and software services implemented via the Web on a cluster of one or more VMs, where libraries and software packages that run the service are installed.

Currently users can install through a simple web interface more than 200 applications, including popular CMSs, tools for implementing web services, Big Data and storage solutions. Demo versions are also available.

The PaaS is deployed through an automated orchestration tool, which guides users through the required steps to create the VMs, install the operating systems and application packages, launch and manage the service.

Besides the standard PaaS, GARR cloud users can choose the innovative GaaS (GARR-Platform as a Service) mode, that allows the user to create customised cloud-based platforms without requiring any system administration skills.

Services are installed and configured in a declarative, “self-service” manner, i.e. without the need to describe the process to achieve the desired final configuration or status. This is one of the most innovative features of the GARR cloud and it also allows users to transparently deploy the service either on the private or public cloud.

Learn more about available PaaS applications


| Consortium GARR | GARR

GARR uses OpenStack, an open source solution that has become a de facto standard, supported by tens of thousands companies and developers worldwide.

To deploy and manage a cloud computing platform characterized by high levels of complexity, GARR chose to adopt the declarative model, which allows users to describe the structure and dependencies between various parts of the platform. A specific automation tool analyses the model and produces a plan of specific operations to deploy or update the installation, thus limiting the need for manual interventions by administrators.

The service deployment mechanism is the same for all levels, and can be used to install the platform itself, a cloud region, a single application or a complex combination of services, e.g. a Hadoop cluster for Big Data analysis. The installation can be performed in a cluster of physical or virtual machines, on any region of the federated cloud and even on a public cloud. This makes the services easily portable from a cloud to another and platform-independent.

The GARR Cloud Platform has a federated architecture, which allows for the integration of resources from private clouds in the GARR community as well as public clouds. Members of the GARR community who are part of the federation can create their own cloud region, sharing resources and services while maintaining control over them through a mechanism of administrative proxy.

The declarative deployment model facilitates the creation of federated regions, which can be created automatically in just a few hours.

Currently the platform includes a master region, split in three areas hosted in the GARR-X Progress data centres and capable of integrating with the major public clouds.

Federated architecture

The GARR cloud platform is based on a federated architecture, which allows organizations from the GARR community to share their resources over the cloud, while maintaining administrative control over them.

This approach extends to cloud computing the same successful community based model used for networking, seen as a Commons: in this case, the goal is to make the community an actor of the transition to cloud computing rather than resorting just to public/commercial clouds.

The federated model allows a widespread participation to the cloud project, facilitates the exchange of competencies and allows the infrastructure to grow organically as new resources are made available.

Each member can make available a certain amount of resources, building a cloud region. Resources in different regions are jointly managed through automated tools that reduce the workload related to the cloud management. The effort needed to manage a complex cloud platform can thus be shared among different groups.

Cloud federated architecture scheme

Public clouds can also be integrated in the Federated cloud, thus creating hybrid ones that can offer extra flexibility to absorb extraordinary peaks in computing demand.

The GARR Cloud Platform users are recognised within the whole federation, which facilitates cross-organizations collaborations. They can transparently access the shared resources with their usual Idem or Open Id Connect (Google) identities or, lacking them, through credentials issued during the registration.


GARR chose to use open source software for its cloud, thus avoiding the risk of vendor lock-in. The choice fell on the OpenStack framework and on MaaS and Juju automation tools by Canonical, also known for the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

OpenStack is currently one of the most widely adopted and supported cloud computing platforms, supported by a community of over 45.000 developers worldwide. The use of automation and orchestration tools allows for automatic cloud installation and maintenance processes. Thus, GARR has achieved levels of efficiency more commonly seen in the large data centres of Google and AWS, while maintaining an agile organisation and a relatively small technical team.

Physical infrastructure

| Consortium GARR | GARR

The GARR Cloud Platform is built on an infrastructure distributed geographically over 5 sites and implemented as a part of the GARR-X Progress project. The five data centres are located in 5 cities and interconnected with high capacity fiber links. Overall, the infrastructure boasts 8448 hyper-threaded physical cores, 66 TB RAM and 10.3 PB of disk space.

The equipment guarantees a high level of hardware reliability, thanks to the redundancy of all active and passive components.

Scheme of the federated cloud infrastructure distributed among 5 sites

Resources are distributed over 5 geographical locations, co-located or in the vicinity of GARR Network PoPs.

The three sites located at the GARR PoPs in Palermo, Catania and Bari host 3 racks each, while those at the PoPs in Naples and Cosenza host one each. The main sites are interconnected on a redundant fibre backbone ring, with a capacity of 40 Gbps. The others are connected to two of the main sites with 10 Gbps fiber links.

Scheme of the federated cloud infrastructure distributed among 5 sites

Technical features

The key technical features for GARR cloud infrastructure are:

  • Linux operating system for servers;
  • Cloud platform based on OpenStack;
  • Block and Object Storage provided through Ceph.

The platform includes global components, i.e. those managed as one entity over the whole platform, and local components, i.e. those independently managed on different sites.

Schema delle componenti globali e locali dell'infrastruttura federata cloud

Global components

  • allow users to access all resources in the cloud with the same credentials;
  • offer a single archive of VM images and snapshots for the whole cloud;
  • offer a single object storage for the whole cloud, which is available even in case of temporary unavailability of one of the sites.

Local components

The local components, installed in all main sites, implement in each site an environment (or region, in OpenStack’s vocabulary) on which users can build their own virtual infrastructure, including

  • virtual network infrastructures (routers and networks);
  • tailored VMs, sized and configured as needed, that can be saved, duplicated through the snapshot tool and linked with each other and the external world through the virtual network;
  • virtual volumes to be associated to VMs as block storage;
  • customised access and security policies for the virtual infrastructure.

All this is controlled via a dashboard, from where users can access the different cloud regions, the object storage, and the archive of VM images.

Local components are designed to ensure service stability and continuity even in the event of failure of one of the three racks hosted in the three main sites.

The reference architecture selected for the GARR cloud is described in a declarative way and easily configured and replicated.

Reference architecture scheme for the GARR federated cloud

Further information

Title I

| Consortium GARR | GARR




Art. 1 – Name and legal form

  1. Pursuant to Articles 14 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code, the Association is recognised according to the DPR (Presidential Decree) 10 February 2000, no. 361, called Consortium GARR (Gestione Ampliamento Rete Ricerca), without constraints of graphic representation, and more briefly, within this Statute, "GARR".
  2. Pursuant to art. 10, fifth paragraph, of Legislative Decree 25 November 2016, n. 218, the Association manages the GARR network, the only national research network, part of the European research network GEANT, open to the subjects referred to in art. 1, paragraph 512, of law no. 208/2015 for research, education, training and cultural activities.

Art. 2 – Headquarters

  1. GARR is headquartered in Rome, Via dei Tizii n° 6, and can set up subsidiaries, branches, representations and agencies, as well as operational and/or administrative offices. The headquarters may be changed by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Art. 3 – Duration

  1. GARR has an unlimited duration and its termination is disciplined by Title V of this Statute.

Art. 4 - Purpose

  1. GARR, pursuant to art. 10, fifth paragraph, legislative decree 25 November 2016, n. 218, manages the GARR network, the only national research network which is part of the European GEANT network, and has the aim of founding and supporting scientific research at national and international level and cultural and institutional collaboration and, specifically, of:
    1. designing, implementing and managing with its own organisational and technical facilities, a national high-tech telecommunications network capable of securing connectivity to the global Academic and Research Network System;
    2. providing services to facilitate the harmonization, implementation and management of e-Infrastructures to benefit the national scientific and academic community;
    3. supporting and stimulating the development of tools to facilitate access to computing, supercomputing and storage resources at national and international level, providing the appropriate methods, interventions and functionalities needed to maintain e-Infrastructures at international standards;
    4. carrying out related technological research, experimentation, technology transfer and staff training.
  2. The use of the network and thetools to access e-Infrastructures is intended primarily for the institutional activities of the members. Institutional activities shall be understood as all those relating to the performance of the tasks set out in their respective Statutes, including the activities within the agreements approved by their respective bodies, provided that they are used for institutional purposes. These include, in particular, institutional activities, research, teaching, e-learning, dissemination and promotion of knowledge, cultural activities, administrative functions and research activities on behalf of third parties.
  3. GARR is a non-for-profit association. Any operating surpluses should be reused for social activities or designated to strengthening the asset base.
  4. GARR can carry out commercial activities on a residual basis and in any case within the limits established by law.

Art. 5 – Objectives

  1. In order to achieve this purpose, GARR, in its capacity as manager of the network, is responsible for developing the following functions:
    1. planning the development of the network and necessary tools, based on the needs of the members;
    2. establish network development paths and organisational schemes for network infrastructures; defines specifications, technical solutions, network protocols, and access rules;
    3. define and coordinate the configuration of network access equipment;
    4. evaluate the technical and economic development of highly innovative networks in the pursuit of the objectives;
    5. provide effective information and documentation tools on the operation of the network;
    6. establish the conditions for access to the network and its modalities;
    7. support the ICT initiatives of various public institutions, organisations of public institution and inter-university computing consortia, with a view to developing and founding synergies between them and the harmonization of initiatives for the benefit of the entire Italian scientific and research community.
  2. GARR also has authority for the addresses, accesses and the structure of information of general interest, and is responsible for the agreements, contracts and procedures for the acquisition of equipment, optical fibres, hardware and software tools, as well as accessory services and everything necessary to achieve the institutional goals
  3. GARR may make available to its members and to subjects with whom it has concluded a specific agreement facilities and equipment for the achievement of their respective institutional goals in the fields of scientific and technological research, in accordance with the procedures to be established by the Board of Directors.
  4. GARR will be able to carry out all the proceedings necessary and useful to the achievement of the statutory purpose. For the sole purpose of carrying out the functions and services referred to in the preceding paragraphs, GARR may enter into cooperation agreements with other public or private entities having a common interest in their business sectors. Consequently, in order to pursue its statutory goals, GARR will be able to participate in calls for proposals, programs and research projects in its areas of expertise, as published by local, national and international bodies.
  5. In any case, GARR can only act in its own name. GARR shall not represent individual members in their dealings with third parties or assume obligations on their behalf.

Art. 6 – Amendments to the Articles of Association and to the Statute

  1. Amendments to the Articles of Association and the Statute can be made by a resolution of the extraordinary Assembly by the majority of those present entitled to vote and with the favorable and unanimous vote of the founding members.

Art. 7 – Assets and means of operation

  1. In pursuing the statutory objectives of the Association and to ensure its functioning, initial asset base is provided by the founding members as indicated in the constitution.
  2. The asset base of the association is composed of:
    1. the social fund of Euro 500.000 (five hundred thousand) allocated by the founding members at the time of constitution;
    2. any subsequent contribution to the Social Fund by the members, collectively or individually;
    3. the participation fees of the new ordinary members;
    4. the physical and intellectual assets (active and passive) arising from the realization and management of the GARR-B Project by INFN in relation to the Implementation Conventions of the Framework Programme by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and INFN on 10.3.1998 and subsequent extensions;
    5. movable and immovable property acquired by the Association in any way, as well as from contributions, legacies and donations made by public and private natural and legal persons, whose acceptance is deliberated by the Board of Directors, with the indication to designate it as an asset;
    6. from the proceeds of the initiatives promoted by the Association and any other revenue, destined for a resolution by the Board of Directors to increase the asset base;
    7. any surplus, also designated as reserve funds.
  3. The Board of Directors makes decisions regarding investments of assets.
  4. For the duration of the association members may not request the division of the capital base.
  5. The means for the activity of the Association derive from the contributions of the members provided for in art. 14, from income from activities, subsidies, grants and donations from the state or public or private, national, European, and international bodies.
  6. It is forbidden to distribute any profits, even indirectly, or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.

Art. 8 - Programme of activities

  1. GARR's activities are carried out through Multi-Year Programming and Annual Activity Programs, consisting of specific plans for each project, prepared by the Director and proposed by the Board of Directors to the Assembly, which adopts them when approving the Budget.

Art. 9 – Personnel

  1. In carrying out activities, functions and services, GARR normally employs staff made available by the members.
  2. Any other recruitment of staff must be carried out with a contract not exceeding the GARR duration.
  3. members do not respond or make any commitment to professional relationships put in place by GARR under the preceding paragraph or towards those who will benefit from GARR 's vocational training activities.