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GARR Workshop 2023

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops

Since the beginning of GARR history, the technical workshop has been an important meeting for experts in networking in the research and education community: an opportunity to receive professional updates and discuss about the trend topics of this domain.

GARR Workshop 2023

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma

8-10 NOVEMBER 2023, ROME


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GARR Conference 2023

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
GARR Conference 2023
Main focus of this edition is the interconnection of knowledge. The world of research and education is gearing up for an extraordinary season filled with exciting and demanding challenges, thanks in part to the NRRP investments, and is in greater need than ever of interdisciplinary exchange and advanced skills to exploit and operate digital services to the best of their abilities. In this context, it is important to create research infrastructures to support the activities that regularly handle vast amounts of data and demand high performance for their processing, transmission, and storage.

GARR Conference 2023

Polo Universitario di Novoli

14-16 June 2023 - FLORENCE


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Skills4EOSC Kickoff meeting

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Skills4EOSC Kickoff meeting

Skills4EOSC ‘Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science’ is funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme (GA 101058527). Coordinated by Consortium GARR and supported by 44 partners in 18 European countries, Skills4EOSC will set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers and harmonise the training of new professional figures for scientific data management.

The project kick-off will be hosted by GARR, the Italian Research and Education Network.

Skills4EOSC Kickoff meeting 2022

Opera della Primaziale Pisana (OPA) - Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa

21-22 September 2022, PISA




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GARR Workshop 2022

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Workshop GARR 2022
Since the beginning of GARR history, the technical workshop has been an important meeting for experts in networking in the research and education community: an opportunity to receive professional updates and discuss about the trend topics of this domain.

GARR Workshop 2022

Conservatorio Statale di Musica Santa Cecilia

26-28 OCTOBER 2022, ROME

Workshop's video

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GARR Conference 2022

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Conferenza GARR 2022
The 2022 edition of the GARR Conference focuses on the new challenges faced by the research community, which can only be addressed with a collaborative and open approach.

GARR Conference 2022

University of Palermo

18 - 20 MAY 2022, PALERMO


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GARR Workshop 2021

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Workshop GARR 2022
L’edizione 2021 del Workshop GARR è online dall’8 al 12 novembre. Il ricco programma dell’evento sarà articolato in sessioni mattutine dedicate agli esperti del settore per parlare dei temi che più appassionano la nostra comunità. Protagonista del programma di questa edizione sarà la nuova rete GARR-T, ma verranno presentati anche i nuovi modelli di reti e infrastrutture di ricerca: dal calcolo scientifico alla Quantum communication. Ci sarà spazio per i servizi e le applicazioni di rete più innovative, si dicuteranno i temi più importanti in ambito di sicurezza informatica e identità digitali. Una sessione sarà inoltre dedicata al Cloud e alla sovranità digitale con ospiti illustri tra i principali protagonisti dell’innovazione tecnologica in Italia.

Workshop GARR 2021


08-12 NOVEMBRE 2021

Il Workshop GARR 2021 in meno di un minuto

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IDEM Day 2021

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
IDEM Day 2021

The IDEM DAY is a gathering, training, and discussion moment for IDEM representatives and those in the research and education community interested in digital identity topics. This year's program will be entirely online, but the interactive format remains unchanged: through virtual Open Space Technology sessions, participants will not only engage in discussions on current themes but also collaboratively shape the agenda.

Discussions will cover the state of the Federation and the outcomes of the Technical Scientific Committee's working groups on OpenID Connect, MultiFactor Authentication, and Identity Assurance. Additionally, the IDEM DAY will feature a keynote speech on SPID, CIE, and the future of governmental digital identity by the Department for Digital Transformation, and a session dedicated to international applications of federated identity, including discussions on: the Italian eIDAS node by AGID, Erasmus going digital and integration with eduGAIN by the European University Foundation, and the Erasmus+ program for the Italian context by the INDIRE Agency.

Furthermore, the IDEM Federation Members' Assembly will convene during the event for periodic updates on federation activities, services, and the Technical Committee, and to discuss proposals for new working groups. To participate in the IDEM Day and the Assembly, registration via the form is required by February 22nd.

IDEM Day 2021


24-25-26 FEBBRAIO 2021

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Sintesi Open Space

Le stanze A e B del programma sono di seguito state rinominate "Sala Rossa" e "Sala Blu".

Sala rossa - Sessione 1 - 24 febbraio

Tema: Shibboleth, Spid proxy e OIDC in high availability

Documento di sintesi:

Sala blu - Sessione 1 - 24 febbraio

Tema: Integrazione AD in IdP-in-the-Cloud

Documento di sintesi:

Sala rossa - Sessione 2 - 24 febbraio

Tema: Autenticazione con webauthn: windows hello, yubikey, ...

Documento di sintesi:

Sala blu - Sessione 2 - 24 febbraio

Tema: Erasmus+ [Autenticazione IDEM ed eduGAIN per la mobilita' studentesca]

Documento di sintesi:

Sala rossa - Sessione 1 - 25 febbraio

Tema: Implementazione del SSO con OIDC e SPID

Documento di sintesi:

Sala blu - Sessione 1 - 25 febbraio

Vedi sala Rossa Sessione 1 25/2

Sala rossa - Sessione 2 - 25 febbraio

Tema: Sviluppo dei servizi digitali della PA e possibili ricadute sull'imprenditoria del digitale in Italia: statalismo vs dominio del mercato? Ovvero: banco del mutuo soccorso della PA

Documento di sintesi:

Sala blu - Sessione 2 - 25 febbraio

Tema: Classroom, strumenti collegati inter-ateneo e App IO

Documento di sintesi:



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GARR Workshop 2019

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Workshop GARR 2019

Since the beginning of GARR history, this technical workshop has been an important meeting for experts in networking in the research and education community: an opportunity to receive professional updates and discuss about the trend topics of this domain.

This year, the programme will focus on Software Defined Networks, on the current developments both on the European backbone GÉANT and on other research networks as well as on telcos and on the changes that these innovations will bring for the R&E organisations’ campus network. We will also talk about cloud, apps and micro-services and how their constant growth is changing the role of infrastructure and network experts. Finally, there will be space dedicated to the themes of digital identity and cybersecurity two of the main pillars of GARR infrastructure.

As always, in the spirit that characterises GARR where knowledge sharing as well as the development of skills are of the paramount importance, on 7 October the workshop will be anticipated by training classes on some of the most interesting themes for the community.

GARR Workshop 2019

University of Roma TRE

08-10 OCTOBER 2019, Rome


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Conferenza GARR 2019

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops
Conferenza GARR 2019

GARR Conference is the annual meeting of users, operators and managers of the Italian national education and research network aimed at sharing experiences and comments on the use of the network as a tool for research, training and culture, in different contexts and disciplines.

At the hearth of this years’ conferenceare the new IT challenges in multidisciplinary research: from cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, from data preservation to their reuse, from education to open science.
These are topics of interest for the many communities that are part of the GARR network and are becoming more and more interlinked and multidisciplinary. The conference will be an opportunity to present success stories of innovation and topics for discussion for the world of academia, research, education, health and humanities.

GARR Conference 2019

Politecnico di Torino

4 - 6 June 2019 - Torino


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Workshop "Idee per innovare in rete"

| Consortium GARR | Conferences & Workshops

Presso il Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università degli Studi di Pisa si è tenuto il workshop "Idee per innovare in rete". Dalle prime reti metropolitane ad oggi: valori e modelli da condividere.

Vent’anni dopo la realizzazione delle prime reti metropolitane, una giornata di incontro per celebrare i successi delle esperienze pionieristiche e per riflettere sugli scenari futuri a beneficio dell’intera comunità dell’istruzione e della ricerca.

Workshop "Idee per innovare in rete"

Università degli Studi di Pisa

7 FEBBRAIO 2019, Pisa


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