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Workshop GARR 2016

This year’s event includes training sessions and thematic working groups, catering to both experienced users and those with basic knowledge.
The training sessions (April 18th) will cover topics such as Cybersecurity, Network Monitoring, Eduroam, and Open Educational Resources (OER).

The working groups (April 18th-19th) will focus on the following themes: E-learning, Federated Digital Identity Services, Netcast, Network Services for Schools, Cybersecurity, and Cloud & Storage.
The workshop program, held in the Conference Hall, will begin in the afternoon of April 19th and conclude at lunchtime on Thursday, April 21st.

A special session introducing the GARR network and community will be held on the afternoon of April 19th, specifically designed for new users.

GARR Workshop 2016

CNR, Headquarters



Intervista a F.Tortorelli - Dirigente AgID - Workshop GARR 2016

Intervista a L.Genovesi - Telecom Italia Trust Technologies - Workshop GARR 2016, Roma

Intervista a M.De Lazzari - InfoCert - Workshop GARR 2016, Roma

Intervista a V.Cavalli - GÉANT Association - Workshop GARR 2016, Roma

Video of the session

Click on the menu at the top left of the player to browse the playlist


Working group


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