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Workshop GARR 2000

The increased use of network resources inevitably leads to a rise in issues related to unauthorized use (for example, the proliferation of unsolicited advertising emails, so-called spam, and intrusions, sometimes with severe consequences, into less protected systems).
For this reason, within GARR-B, as in other similar networks, GARR-CERT has been established as a service to manage security-related software issues.

One of the main goals of GARR-CERT, if not the primary one, is to raise user awareness about these types of issues. As part of the regular GARR-B meetings, a technical event is organized, with invitations extended to both technical managers from institutions connected to the GARR-B network (APM) and security personnel from individual institutions. The first day of the event is reserved exclusively for institutions with access to the GARR-B network.

No specific prior experience in the field of security is required, as the topics covered during the first day will be at an introductory level.

GARR Workshop 2000

Lecture Hall of the Monte S. Angelo University Complex

17-18 January 2000 - NAPLES

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