The central theme of the event will be the application of advanced digital technologies and services to traditional fields of knowledge, ranging from the Arts to Medicine. The conference will explore cutting-edge technologies such as remote presence, virtual reality, and tele-immersion, along with collaborative tools for education and research at a distance, and how their use is transforming – and in many ways has already begun to transform – the way we engage with Culture.
The guiding thread is light: a light that travels through the national research and education network, enabling real—not just "virtual"—connections between different disciplines and communities.
On one side, experts in advanced technologies; on the other, specialists in the humanities in their many forms: artists, scholars, medical professionals, researchers, librarians, and cultural heritage curators.
These worlds are coming closer together, driven by a growing awareness and the introduction of increasingly intuitive and "transparent" technological tools, designed to be accessible even to users without a strictly scientific or technical background.
The annual GARR Conference brings together technical experts, users of innovative applications, and the Italian academic community to discuss key topics and emerging trends in the sector. Presentations by internationally renowned speakers will showcase leading projects in the field, as well as major global vendors of advanced network, multimedia, and innovation technologies.
This year's conference will focus on applications and experiences in the medical, musical, museum, and cultural sectors. As such, the program and committees will feature some of the most significant national initiatives in these fields.
GARR Conference 2007
Network Humanitatis
Teatro Palladium (Piazza Bartolomeo Romano, 8)
29-31 OCTOBER 2007 - ROME