From early computer networks to major research infrastructures: how networking has transformed scientific research.
On October 24, 2011, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, University, and Research in Piazzale J.F. Kennedy, the 20th anniversary of the GARR network was celebrated.
This celebratory event marked an opportunity to reflect on how research networks and their users have reshaped the way science is conducted in recent years. It also highlighted the benefits and opportunities that globally interconnected research infrastructures offer to the Italian scientific and academic community.
During the ceremony, the awards in memory of Prof. Orio Carlini and Prof. Antonio Ruberti were presented. GARR dedicated these awards to original proposals or works by young researchers on topics related to the Future Internet and Next Generation Networks.
Celebratory Event for GARR's 20th Anniversary
20 Years into the Future
MIUR - Piazzale J.F.Kennedy, 20
24 OCTOBER 2011 - ROME
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Booklet dei 20 anni di GARR
"Orio Carlini" and "Antonio Ruberti" Awards
As part of its mission to promote knowledge, the Consortium GARR has awarded two prizes for innovative proposals or original research by young researchers (born on or after January 1, 1981).
These awards honor two influential figures who played a key role in building Italy's research network: Prof. Orio Carlini, one of the founding fathers of the GARR network, and Prof. Antonio Ruberti, former Rector and Minister of University and Scientific and Technological Research.
For research on Future Internet and network-enabled collaborative technologies.
Awarded to Marco Castrucci and Andrea Simeoni (Sapienza University of Rome) for their work: "Extending the OpenFlow Framework to Support the Software Defined Network Model in Future Internet."
For research on Next Generation Networks and data transmission technologies.
Awarded to Luca Chiaraviglio (Polytechnic University of Turin) for his work: "Energy Efficient Telecommunication Networks."
Each award is valued at €5,000, fully funded by the Consortium GARR. The winners were honored during the GARR 20th Anniversary event and presented their research at the GARR Conference 2011.