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GARR 2022 Annual Report is online

Pubblicato il 04 August 2023

GARR 2022 Annual Report is now available online, providing an overview of the network's developments, services and activities carried out by the entire team throughout the year.

2022 has been a year of significant changes for GARR and its community. It marked the establishment of the new Board of Directors with Maurizio Tira as President, the new mandate of Claudia Battista as Director, and the approval of a new Statute in December, with significant modifications, including the removal of GARR's time limit. Additionally, the GARR team faced one of its greatest challenges, which was the launch of the migration to the new GARR-T network.

All these steps reflect our commitment to maintaining a healthy, agile and innovation-driven organization, serving the needs of research and education and demonstrating a strong dedication to the long-term sustainability of the digital infrastructure, recognized as a unique and enabling resource for the entire research ecosystem.

Throughout the year, particular efforts were devoted to improving the range of services, including networking, cybersecurity, digital identities and cloud services. Solutions were provided to ensure access to scientific data and dedicated training paths, enabling researchers in Italy to benefit from ultra-fast connections with the rest of the world.

Another significant aspect of 2022 was the return to in-person events and courses, which had a remarkable impact, fostering greater interaction among participants. The experience during the pandemic allowed us to better understand the training needs of our community. Consequently, GARR decided to continue offering online training courses throughout the year, thus enabling the sharing of skills and knowledge with a broad audience across Italy.

In conclusion, the network has continued to grow and is ready to face the upcoming challenges.

Happy reading!

pdf Annual Report 2022 (6.85 MB)