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LoLa lands in Estonia for European ministers

Pubblicato il 05 October 2017

LoLa technology (Low Latency) was presented in Estonia at the "Music without Borders" concert concert held in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in front of EU Ministers who gathered in Tallinn for the 2nd Eastern Partnership ministerial meeting on the digital economy

Thanks to a data transfer in real time, LoLa has allowed musicians located in different countries to play together in real time.

According to Ivari Ilja, the Rector of the Academy, students can also use LoLa technology to participate in real-time lectures, workshops and master classes anywhere in the world where LoLa is in use.

The LoLa audio-video transmission system allows remote artistic collaborations in real time, reducing latency times and guaranteeing the best quality.

Conceived and implemented by GARR and the Tartini Conservatory of Trieste, the use of LoLa by the Tallin Academy was financed by the Eastern Partnership program of the European Union

video from EaPConnect facebook page

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