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Discover the Internet at the EU Researchers’ Night

Pubblicato il 29 August 2018

GARR will participate to the European event on 28-29 September with the activity Internet 4 Kids, aimed at revealing to children and teenagers the secrets of the Internet

For the 13th edition, the European Researchers' Night will be back on September 28th, the event that for one night brings together the whole continent under the banner of science and dissemination. GARR participates in the project coordinated by Frascati Scienza, which involves over 30 cities and 60 partners in Italy. The theme of this year's edition is: Be a citizen scientist (BEES), dedicated to participatory science. It is inspired by the bees and their organisation, where the contribution provided by each member is important for the well-being of the entire community.

In the same way, when science can generate incredible possibilities through the collaboration between researchers (advocates of scientific discoveries that everyone can enjoy) and citizens. For this occasion, GARR participates with a hands-on workshop designed for the youngest audience, and interactive game to increase the awareness of how the Internet works. Internet 4 Kids will take place on September 28th and 29th and will lead us to discover something we use every day and whose existence we now take for granted. This game will also be an opportunity to promote a more responsible use of the Internet and its applications.

The event of the Researchers' Night is enriched by many events that precede it during the Science Week: from 22 to 29 September, seven days dedicated to hands-on experiments, meetings with researchers, thematic conferences, book presentations, quizzes , scientific aperitifs and much more. A way to get closer and get to know the research world and researchers, ordinary people with extraordinary work.

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