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GARR Conference 2018 - Registrations are now open

Pubblicato il 10 September 2018

Registrations are open for GARR Conference 2018 “Data (r)evolution”, that will be held at the University of Cagliari from 3 to 5 October 2018.

Main Themes

On 3 October the Conference will open with two sessions on AI and Cybersecurity, in the following days we will talk about Industry 4.0 in a panel with Francesco Profumo (President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation), Elio Catania (President of Confindustria Digitale) and Sauro Longhi (President of GARR and Dean of the Università Politecnica delle Marche). We will talk about training, Open data and much more.

Among the speakers: Raffaele Paci, Vice-President of the Region of Sardinia, Rita Cucchiara, Director of AI Laboratory of CINI, Enrico Nardelli, Professor of Tor Vergata University, Vittorio Midoro, CNR ITD, Shalini Kurapati, Center for Research Data - TU Delft Library As usual, in the days before and after the conference, there will be GARR training opportunities dedicated to the university and research community.

For further information and registrations, go to the event website.

Training opportunities

On 1-2 October there will be several training opportunities for GARR user community. These courses span from classes dedicated to trainers (Moodle: how to manage a course e How to create and disseminate educational material online), to courses on Public Speaking, on cybersecurity (PenTest & Rooting) and on networking (Software Defined Network). For registrations to these training courses, go to the Learning GARR platform.


Stay up to date

News about the GARR conference (#confgarr18) will be published also on GARR social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and on the event website.

GARR Conference website