Education in Digital Cultural Heritage: here are the previews for 2019-2020
The previews of education activities at the Digital Cultural Heritage for 2019 - 2020 have been announced.
Various issues related to cultural heritage will be addressed in digital form, with the aim of identifying the set of digital processes that crate and will create the cultural memory of the contemporary. Particular attention will be given to the role of digital culture in the contextualization of the Faro Convention in the Digital Age and the theme of "Beauty" as a fundamental trait of our cultural, existential and productive identity, to be discovered, known and handed down even through use of digital tools.
Ensuring the context and implementation of the "right of every citizen to access knowledge and being educated to the knowledge and responsible use of digital technology for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and cultural places" is the goal of the organized initiatives, in the belief that the cultural heritage, increasingly represents a strategic resource for achieving an inclusive, integrated, less unjust and peaceful society.