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The OCRE cloud services catalogue is online

Pubblicato il 04 February 2021

The OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) project has published the catalogue dedicated to the procurement of public cloud services for education and research organisations.

Users can navigate a map of Europe showing the services are available in each country. Each service is presented through a tab that includes a link to detailed information about the platform and a contact email address that can be used to request an offer.

OCRE has signed 473 framework agreements with public cloud service providers, selected through a European public tender, to facilitate the access of European researchers to IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service, or infrastructure as a service) service offered by 27 different commercial platforms under conditions advantageous.While not all platforms are available everywhere, at least 8 are available in each country.
The services in the catalogue are available through the national research and education networks (NREN) which act in some cases as actual resellers, and in others as intermediaries.

The OCRE Cloud Framework replaces the GÉANT IaaS framework, which in recent years has promoted the adoption of the cloud within research and education institutions across Europe. The agreements will continue to support the IaaS consumption already in place, and will help meet the growing need for commercial cloud services by offering a wider choice and innovative solutions, benefiting the research community across Europe.

Within OCRE, GARR acts as an intermediary (referrer), making the framework agreements available in Italy and facilitating the purchase of services by the institutions that are part of its community.

Note that OCRE is a European project and contracts can only be signed in English.
The list of OCRE suppliers for Italy can be consulted on the project website and for more information and support you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further information