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GARR Conference 2021: the call for papers is open

Pubblicato il 04 March 2021

GARR Conference “Sustainable/Digital. Data and technology for the future”, which was reschedule because of the COVID-19 emergency, will take place from 7 to 15 June 2021 online.

In order to participate to the event as a speaker, a Call for Papers has been open with a deadline for submissions on 16 April 2021.

The theme of this edition is the digital sustainability and the use of data and technology in the coming future. With “digital sustainability” we mean both the sustainable ways to develop technology and the ways in which digital technologies can foster positive impacts on the enviroment, society and economy (as per the goals of Agenda 2030).

This theme will embrace the multidisciplinary nature of GARR community.

Thus, the conference, will be the occasion to present success stories of innovation and topics for discussion from the world of academia, research, education, health and humanities.

Further information
