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The connection with GÉANT is now 2 times faster

Pubblicato il 12 July 2022

From 30 June the connection capacity to the European research network GÉANT has doubled, going from 200 to 400 Gbps.

GARR is connected to the GÉANT network through a double connection that relies on the two PoPs in Milan (MI01-Lancetti and MI02-Caldera).

The capacity upgrade towards the pan-European research network is part of the evolution process of the GARR network (GARR-T), which is leading to the redefinition and upgrade of its network architecture and main technological components, based on a disaggregated approach to infrastructure and services.

At the same time, the GN4-3N project for the evolution of the GÉANT network infrastructure is being implemented, which is activating the new geographic connections on the Infinera optical technology, also in this case with a disaggregated network model, including the 100-Gbps connection of the national backbone with the CERN site (CERN1).

GÉANT is the “super-network” connecting all European research networks with links up to multiples of 100 Gbps and is able to reach up to 8 Tbps.

The interconnection of the Italian national network with GÉANT and the possibility to contribute to its evolution is fundamental for the GARR scientific community because it allows users to be an active part of the major international research projects of today and tomorrow and ensure international interdisciplinary collaborations.

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