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News from e-Infrastructure Reflection Group

Pubblicato il 25 May 2017

It will be the current president of the European Council, Malta, the host of the next e-IRG open workshop, an event dedicated to the key theme of long-term sustainability of e-Infrastructures.

Sessions will address structure and funding, services, data but also the assessment of e-Infrastructures through the development of specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). E-IRG delegates from 30 European Countries, among which is GARR representative Enzo Valente, as well as representatives from some of the major Research Infrastructures in Europe will attend the meeting, to be held in St. Paul Bay in 8 and 9 June.

The workshop is open to the public and the preliminary programme is available at e-IRG website.

For those willing to learn more about the works of the e-Infrastructures Reflection Group, it is now available the Spring edition of the e-IRG newsletter. Among the featured issues, the publications of the e-IRG Roadmap 2016 and the "Guide to e-Infrastructure requirements for European Research Infrastructures"; interviews to decision makers in large European e-Infrastructures and to several researchers who use e-Infrastructures in diverse fields from astronomy to scientific dissemination.