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GARR Conference 2017 - few days left to participate in the Call for Papers

Pubblicato il 14 September 2017

The Call for Papers of 2017 GARR conference is open until 20 September. The event, The data way to Science, which will take place in Venice from 15 to 17 November.

The Call for Papers is open for contributions with specific reference to:

  • Use of network infrastructures and services for the management, sharing and storage of data;
  • Methods and management policies for replicable data in a multidisciplinary environment;
  • Interoperability of data and procedures for authentication and data access.

This year's conference will focus on the role of data in research as data are a valuable asset that constitutes more and more the real basis of scientific work. They are in all disciplines, with common requirements, peculiarities and emerging needs. From Big Data to open data, from data sharing to data storage, from processing of large amounts of data to the Internet of Things: these are just a few of the many topics covered over the 3 days on innovation and collaboration for research.

For further information on the event and the form to submit your paper, please visit:

Important dates:

  • - Call Closing: 20 September 2017
  • - Notifications of acceptance and programme: 20 October 2017
  • - Conference: 15-17 November 2017