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Orio Carlini

Orio Carlini Professor Orio Carlini was one of the founders of the GARR network.
In 1986, as national coordinator of EUREKA projects for the then Ministry of the University of Scientific and Technological Research (MURST), Professor Carlini promoted the establishment of the Research Networks Harmonization Group (GARR), consisting of representatives of the main public research bodies (CNR, ENEA and INFN) and of the main inter-university consortia (CILEA, CINECA, CSATA).

As a member of the Commission for Networks and Scientific Computing (CRCS) since its establishment by Minister Ruberti, he has continuously worked on the construction of the GARR Network, first as President of the OTS (Technical Scientific Body of the MURST) and then, after the establishment of the GARR Consortium, as President of the GARR Scientific and Technical Committee.

Professor at the School of Aerospace Engineering at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, he worked in the past for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (scientific attaché at the Italian Embassy in Paris) and the Ministry of Industry (Italian Focal Point for New and Renewable Energies)

Orio Carlini, who died prematurely in 2009, has dedicated his entire life to the development of information technologies and networking for the benefit of the information society and of Italian academic and industrial scientific research, a contribution of great value that testifies to his extraordinary professional and scientific qualities. and human beings always accompanied by an ancient kindness and an enlightened spirit.

The Italian scientific and academic community is infinitely grateful to this great pioneer.

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