Biblioteca Hertziana - Roma | Bibliotheca Hertziana Istituto M. Planck per la storia dell'arte - Roma | IP | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
CTAO - Bologna | CTAO Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory - Bologna | IP | | L3 | GARR | |
Cornell University - Roma | Cornell University - Roma | IP | | DF | | 100 Mbps |
ECMWF - Bologna | ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - Bologna | IP | | DF | MAN | 100 Gbps |
EGO - Cascina (Pisa) | European Gravitational Observatory - EGO Cascina | IP | | DF | MAN | 10 Gbps |
EMBL - Monterotondo | EMBL - Monterotondo | IP | | DF | GARR | 10 Gbps |
EUMETSAT - Fucino Avezzano (AQ) | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | IP | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
EURAC - Accademia Europea di Bolzano - (BZ) | EURAC - Accademia Europea di Bolzano | IP | | L3 | GARR | |
Ecole Francaise-Roma Farnese | Ecole Française-Roma Farnese | IP | | L3 | LOCAL | |
Ecole Francaise-Roma Navona | Ecole Française-Roma Navona | IP | | DF | OLO | 100 Mbps |
Eucentre - Pavia | Eucentre - European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering - Pavia | IP | | L3 | GARR | |
Global Campus of Human Rights - Venezia | Global Campus of Human Rights - Venezia | IP | | DF | MAN | 100 Mbps |
Holy See - Vatican | Santa Sede-Vaticano | IP | | DF | | 1 Gbps |
ICGEB - Trieste | ICGEB - Trieste | IP | | L2 | GARR | 1 Gbps |
ICRANet - Pescara | ICRANet - Pescara | IP | | DF | OLO | 100 Mbps |
ICTP - Trieste | ICTP - Trieste | IP | | LAMBDA | MAN | 10 Gbps |
IUE - Buontalenti | European University Institute - Palazzo Buontalenti - Firenze | IP | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
IUE - Fiesole | Istituto Universitario Europeo - Fiesole (FI) | IP | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
Istituto di Norvegia in Roma | Istituto di Norvegia in Roma | IP | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
JRC - Ispra | European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Ispra Site Directorate - Informatics, Net | IP | | LAMBDA | GARR | 10 Gbps |
KHI - Firenze - Casa Zuccari | KHI - Firenze - Casa Zuccari | IP | | DF | MAN | 100 Mbps |
KHI - Firenze - Giusti | KHI - Firenze - Giusti | IP | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
KHI - Firenze - Modena | KHI - Firenze - Modena | IP | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
KHI - Firenze - dè Servi | KHI - Firenze - de' Servi | VPN | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
KHI - Firenze VPN verso KHI dè Servi | KHI - Firenze - Giusti | VPN | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
Microsoft R.C. Uni - Trento | The Microsoft Research – University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology | IP | | L3 | GARR | |
NYU - Firenze | New York University - Firenze | IP | | DF | MAN | 100 Mbps |
UNI-Bologna - Johns Hopkins | The Johns Hopkins University - Bologna | IP | | DF | MAN | 1 Gbps |
Universités de Paris - Villa Finaly - Firenze | Chancellerie des Universités de Paris - Firenze | IP | | DF | MAN | 100 Mbps |
VIU - Venezia | Venice International University | IP | | DF | LOCAL | 100 Mbps |
e2e Ecole Francaise-Roma Farnese -- Ecole Francaise-Roma Navona | Ecole Française-Roma Farnese | VPN | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
e2e Ecole Francaise-Roma Navona -- Ecole Francaise-Roma Farnese | Ecole Française-Roma Navona | VPN | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
e2e IUE - Fiesole - sede Villa La Fonte | European University Institute - Villa La Fonte - Fiesole | VPN | | DF | OLO | 1 Gbps |
e2e KHI - Firenze - Giusti - KHI - Firenze - Modena | KHI - Firenze - Giusti | VPN | | DF | MAN | 10 Gbps |
e2e KHI - Firenze - Modena - KHI - Firenze - Giusti | KHI - Firenze - Modena | VPN | | DF | MAN | 10 Gbps |
e2e LENS Neuroanatomia - CINECA | LENS - Laboratorio di Neuroanatomia - Sesto Fiorentino (FI) | VPN | | DF | MAN | 10 Gbps |