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Network access rules

Approved by the GARR BoD by resolution No. 32/2011 on July 21st 2011
Refer to the Italian version for the official text

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The GARR Network is the only italian national network dedicated to the education, research and culture community (D.lgs n.218 del 25/11/2016 Art. 10 comma 5).

National or international organizations for research, education, training and culture located in Italy may request the connection to the GARR Network.


The network service is mainly intended for the community that belongs to the GARR composed of:

  1. Member institutions of the Consortium GARR (CNR, ENEA, INAF, INFN, INGV and Fondazione CRUI representing the Italian universities);
  2. the research bodies supervised by the MIUR;
  3. the Interuniversity Consortium CINECA;
  4. associations or consortia between organizations referred to in the previous points.

On the basis of agreements or covenants with the Consortium GARR, can also access to the GARR Network:

  1. the Institutions of Higher Artistic, Musical and Choralutical Education (AFAM) and the State Schools;
  2. foreign universities and cultural and/or scientific institutions based in Italy and for which agreements exist with the Italian Government;
  3. research organizations supervised by other Ministries;
  4. institutions of the Public Administration for experimentation and development of advanced IT and telematic technologies;
  5. Italian cultural and/or scientific institutions of great interest to the national scientific and academic community;
  6. other companies that carry out research activities in Italy, engaged in collaborations with the community related to GARR, for the duration of the collaboration only.

The use of the GARR network is in any case subject to compliance with the rules of proper use and behavior described in the document Acceptable Use Policies


To request the connection, simply send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating the aims and activities carried out by the organization, any scientific collaborations in progress and the use that is expected to be made of the GARR network..


Upon receipt of a connection request and subsequent authorization by the GARR bodies, a technical-economic feasibility study is launched to identify the best technological solution at the most advantageous cost.

To regulate access to the GARR network it is necessary to sign an agreement between the applicant organization and the GARR Consortium.


From an economic point of view, access to the GARR network is regulated according to the configuration identified to meet the specific needs of the applicant organization. Organizations wishing to use the GARR network are required to pay for the connectivity service (proportional to the required access bandwidth capacity) which also includes a series of services.

The cost related to the creation and management of the organization's internal network remains the responsibility of the user.


For further information, please contact the GARR Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..