Online GARR NEWS 19
In the new issue we talk about robotics, artificial intelligence and network, gathering the experience of researchers from the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), the analysis of the expert of AI Prof. Luigia Carlucci Aiello and the story of the use of intelligent robots in the medical-rehabilitation field by the Fondazione Stella Maris of Pisa and the Istituto di BioRobotica of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.
In this edition we also present the GARR services, in particular the increasingly popular tool to have wi-fi on the move (eduroam) and the new features of the web-conference Webmeetings service.
Then we present stories from innovative schools and young talents (the GARR fellows) but also from Hack The Cloud, the first hackathon on the GARR cloud platform.
But that's not all, we are also talking about the evolution of the network (Terabit direction!) And the first connection of an Italian branch at 200 Gbps.
In the ever-present Cybersecurity Café, we will analyze the topic of security not only from a technical perspective, but also from a social perspective based on trust and awareness. We also give space to European initiatives, with the European Open Science Cloud and EuroHPC initiatives and much more on the world of education and research.
Enjoy the reading!