GARR new training opportunities online
In the coming months, GARR is offering a wide range of training opportunities to cybersecurity, schools, open science but also to all those who want to master the art of communicating effectively online. Let's see them in detail.
For the school community, there will be the webinar “Distance learning: an opportunity for collaborative interaction?” held on May 26 by Ilaria Bortolotti, collaborator GARR and Unitelma Sapienza. Following the GARR-CERT team will hold a series of meetings dedicated to cybersecurity measures for distance learning (3-23 June), while our Andrea Corleto will dedicate a three-module course on Moodle, the open source learning platform (10, 17, 24 June) and the course "H5P: a resource for interactive teaching" an open source tool for the creation of interactive multimedia content online (1, 8, 15 July).
On cybersecurity, Simona Venuti will hold the webinar "Security for Leadership", which is designed for managers with the aim of providing information and guidelines on what is the state of the art in the field of cybersecurity (25 , 27 and 29 May).
When it comes to effective online communication, we will have two different courses: Gabriella Paolini, head of the GARR e-learning and training group, will illustrate a series of useful (and free) tools to communicate effectively online (9 and 10 June) while Eleonora Napolitano will hold the three-module course "Management of working groups: from social anxiety to assertive communication" (30 June, 2 and 6 July).
Moreover on 16, 18, 22 and 25 June Elena Giglia, head of the Open Access Project Unit of the University of Turin will hold a webinar dedicated to Open Science. Finally, the courses on Python (basic and advanced), held last month by Luca Coviello (FBK) are now available in self-learning. At the end of the course, and after an assessment test, participants will receive a digital badge with the competencies acquired.
Online booking is required for participation in these courses
Further information
- GARR training pages
- Webinar: "Dad: un'opportunità di interazione collaborativa?"
- Webinar: Sicurezza ICT per la Didattica a distanza
- Webinar: Moodle: amministrazione di un corso
- Webinar: H5P: una risorsa per la didattica interattiva
- Webinar: Sicurezza per Leadership
- Webinar: Strumenti per comunicare efficacemente online
- Webinar: Gestione gruppi di lavoro: dall'ansia sociale alla comunicazione assertiva
- Webinar: Open Science