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Online registration is oper for IDEM day 2021

Pubblicato il 28 January 2021

Online registration for IDEM day 2021, to be held online on next 24, 25 and 26 February, is now open.

A place to meet, learn and discuss the hottest topics in digital identity, this year the IDEM day will be held completely online, but without renouncing to interactivity, thanks to the Open Space Technology virtual sessions.

Hot topics in the agenta include: Federation status and the results of the IDEM Technical Commitee working groups on OpenID Connect, MultiFactor Authentication and Identity Assurance; SPID, CIE and the future of government digital identity, with a keynote speech by the Department for Digital Transformation, and the latest international applications of federated identity, such as eIDASand the digitalisation of the Erasmus+ programme.

As usual, along the event we propose training opportunities, this year fully online as well: the two courses on managing security incidents and accessing federated resources, and access to GARR services and digital resources through the IDEM federation will take place on 22 and 23 february.

During the event, the Assembly of Members of the IDEM Federation will also meet, with updates on the activities of the federation, the Service and the Technical Commitee reports and to discuss proposals for the new working groups. To participate to the IDEM Day and the Assembly, please register using the form within February 16th.

Further information