All videos and materials of GARR Conferfence 2021 are now online
The presentations of GARR Conference 2021 “Sustainable / Digital”, which took place online from 7 to 16 June, are available online.
About 50 speakers, from various organizations, among universities, research institutions, cultural institutes and schools, were the protagonists of this rich edition. Highly topical issues were addressed, in a historical moment of important changes.
Among the issues covered by the conference: cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, the new challenges of smart cities, but also the digital revolution in schools pushed by the pandemic and the difficult issue of the conservation and reuse of digital data.
Sustainability and digital, two aspects that are the theme of the conference and that on the first day were analysed from the point of view of their challenges and their opportunities. The opening was entrusted to GARR president, Sauro Longhi. Important keynote speakers followed, including Gelsomina Pappalardo, Representative of the National Research Infrastructure Delegation Committee of the Horizon Europe Program with a speech on the role of European research infrastructures. Stefano Epifani (Digital Transformation Institute) with a consideration on how digital technology will be fundamental in the coming years and will determine the possibility to overcome the challenges of environmental, economic and social sustainability. Piero Benvenuti (University of Padua) and his talk "Technological development and scientific progress: in search of a sustainable balance". Finally, Maria Luisa Lavitrano of the University of Milano-Bicocca addressed Open Science as a tool to facilitate the access and circulation of scientific data with the support of the EOSC Association.
On the second day, the focus was on smart cities and their possible developments and impact at the the economic, environmental and social level. Among the protagonists: Andrea Taramelli of ISPRA, Ettore Lopinto of ASI and Antonio Puliafito of the University of Messina.
On cybersecurity, Paolo Prinetto of CINI, National Cybersecurity Laboratory, in his talk illustrated some programs and projects aimed at increasing the resilience of the country with respect to cyber attacks, through the implementation of training and awareness initiatives. We then moved on to the analysis of the differences between the CBDC currencies and the Decentralised Economy with Gerardo Iovane of the University of Salerno.
The fourth day we discussed the development of AI and platforms for a sustainable development. Interesting food for thought with Giuseppe Attardi, AI expert, with his talk entitled "The intrusiveness of digital platforms" in which he discussed how the services of the platforms were essential, and therefore with characteristics of public services, but managed by private companies. Innocenzo Genna, Jurist specialising in European digital regulation, explained what happens to the data once it is entered into a cloud system and how to carefully choose the cloud provider to which such data will be entrusted. Finally, Dario De Nart (CREA) illustrated the possibilities of using Artificial Intelligence for sustainability in agriculture.
Then we addressed Open Science, during the fifth session of the conference. The Session was opened by George Petihakis (HCMR, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Institute of Oceanography) with the presentation “The European landscape on Ocean Observations”. This was followed by the enlightening talk by Paola Masuzzo (IGDORE) inviting us to embrace a new model of conducting, publishing, evaluating research, leaving room for integrity, mental health care, inclusion.
We could not miss a look at the education community to which the last day of the conference was dedicated. The opening was entrusted to Mario Pireddu of the University of Tuscia, with a speech on how to integrate the potential of digital in the configuration of new integrated environments for teaching, opening up a horizon of research and experimentation of the learning experience.
Several lightning talks took place, that with their innovative ideas enriched the contents of the conference.
The variety of topics addressed in the various days is a symbol of the diversity of the communities that make up the GARR research network, in which they meet for interdisciplinary collaborations. A collaboration that allows research initiatives to turn into large-scale innovation, concretely contributing to the development of the country.