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Available online the Selected Papers, the proceedings of GARR Conference 2016 “The CreActive Network”

Pubblicato il 07 July 2017

The annual appointment with innovation for the Italian Education and Research community was the opportunity to showcase new applications and scenarios through the use of the network.

GARR conferences are always multidisciplinary by vocation and the fil rouge of the 2016 edition was the role of the network as an open space for sharing and creating new science and culture.
During the three days of the event, the presentations were about 50 with speakers from Italian and international universities, research organisations and public administration. Hosted by the University of Florence, GARR 2016 Conference has given space to several topics: from innovative models to teach the skills for the futures to Open Data, from the Internet of Things to digital cultural heritage, from Cloud computing to Smart Cities.
All contributions presented at the event have a vision to the future and the challenges we are all called to face. We have collected them all in this this volume.

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